Parish Office
St. Jane Frances de Chantal Church
8499 Virginia Ave.
Riviera Beach, MD 21122-3097
SJF Parish Office: 410-255-4646
Parish Office Hours
Monday thru Thursday 9:00am–4:00pm
Closed Friday thru Sunday.
Visits for the Sick
If you are going into the hospital, please call the parish office so one of our pastors can visit. Hospitals no longer have patient lists available for visiting clergy to find out if parishioners have been admitted.
If you or someone you know is homebound and can’t make it to church, let us know that as well. We have a group of wonderful people who can take Communion to them. Father will also come to anyone who requires Anointing of the Sick.
To reach a priest after hours only, please call 410-905-8539.
Contact the Parish office staff
St. Jane Frances Parish Hall
8513 St. Jane Drive
Pasadena, MD 21122
For events, enter the parish hall via the blue double doors near the corner of the hall