Formation is life long. There is no such thing as graduating from learning about the Faith. For this reason, we offer Faith Formation for adults and families rather than simply offering a children’s program.
St. Jane Frances Religious Education FAQs
By being baptized, we have become members of the Church. We no longer belong to ourselves, but to the one who died and rose for us, Jesus Christ. (CCC 1269) Whether we are young, old, single, married, divorced, widowed, parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, brother, sister, son, daughter, or clergy—we all play a vital role in the life of our Parish Family.
How does Religious Education classes work?
On a monthly basis, we will gather as a community in the school hall for prayer and snacks (Faith Formation Sundays). On the First Sunday, adults will remain in the hall for a guest speaker, while children will move to classrooms. Children will break up into age groups where catechists will engage in age appropriate lessons. On the second Sunday, parents can drop off their children at the hall and the children will be led to their classrooms.
How will I know what to do with my family during the rest of the month?
We use the Gospel Weeklies program, and you’ll take home a Gospel Weekly for each of your children. Because the content is based on the Sunday Gospel, it’s easy to add this into your family celebration of Sunday. You can also access helpful resources for this program at https://www.gospelweeklies.com/family/
What if I don’t feel I know enough about my Faith?
Religious Education is designed to help you, as the primary educators of your children, in the passing on of the Catholic Faith. We, the catechists and staff of St Jane Frances, are here to help.
Will there be someplace for child under 4 to go?
Unfortunately, we are unable to offer childcare at this time. You’re welcome to have a small child with you if need be! We do have Preschool 4 classes. Your child should be potty- trained before attending classes.
What is the weekly time commitment expected for this program?
Sunday classes are held from 8:30-9:40. You can expect to spend about thirty minutes each week going over the Gospel Weeklies with your children.
I don’t have children to enroll, can I still participate?
Yes! We invite all members of our parish family to attend on the First Sunday to hear the guest speaker.
What is the time frame for Faith Formation Sundays (1st Sunday of the Month)?
We’ll meet for light snacks and fellowship from 8:10-8:20am. At 8:30am, the kids will move to their classrooms. The speaker for adults will begin at 8:45am. Enrichment time will end at 9:40am, and we’ll go from the hall to the church for 10:00am Mass.
What Happens on the 2nd Sundays?
Doors will open at 8:10am to the hall. The kids will move to their classrooms until 9:40am, when they will be brought back to the hall for dismissal.
Will there be a fee to participate in Religious Education classes?
Fees are listed on the enrollment form. If you are facing financial difficulty, please speak to a staff member!
I am Catholic, but my spouse is not—is this open to all of us?
We absolutely invite and welcome non-Catholic spouses to participate in Faith Formation.
How can I volunteer to help out with the program?
Contact the Religious Ed Office at 410- 255-4646 or mgriffiths@stjane.org to see how you can help. All volunteers must complete diocesan child protection certification.
Questions? Please contact:
Marie Griffiths
Coordinator, Faith Formation PK-5
At the end of his earthly ministry, Jesus said:
“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations.”