Project Rachel: Post-Abortion Healing

Project Rachel: Peace Starts Here

Project Rachel Baltimore is the church’s ministry which operates as a network of professional clergy, licensed counselors, and volunteers all trained to provide one-on-one spiritual and psychological support for those who are suffering from the trauma of abortion. Project Rachel Baltimore offers special Rachel’s Vineyard weekend retreats and Come to the Waters day retreats several times a year. Rachel’s Vineyard is the world’s largest ministry for healing after abortion. For more information about Rachel’s Vineyard, go to, or call 410-625-8491.

Pregnant? Need help?

Call the Gabriel Network at 1-800-ANGEL-OK.
Suffering post-abortion stress? Call Project Rachel 1-800-286-4224 or 410-625-8491; or email

Volunteer Opportunity at Mary’s Center

Mary's Center

Women’s Care Mary’s Center is a pregnancy help center in Glen Burnie that provides free pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, education, and material assistance to pregnant women in need. Consider volunteering a few hours each week. Spanish speaking volunteers especially needed. Call: (410) 761-8082. Email: Website: